Standing the Frame

Because most of the joints have been pre-fitted, putting the cabin frame up is a fairly quick task - from start to finish in two days.

First standing the outside walls with girder trusses.

First standing the outside walls with girder trusses.

Most of the cabin minus the ridge beam and the rafters. You can really notice the 10' ceilings in the cabin now, and despite the small footprint, feels large inside. It feels so large in fact, at this point I decide to go with a 3/4 loft instead of …

Most of the cabin minus the ridge beam and the rafters. You can really notice the 10' ceilings in the cabin now, and despite the small footprint, feels large inside. It feels so large in fact, at this point I decide to go with a 3/4 loft instead of the 1/2 loft simply due to the already huge headroom throughout.

Once the rafters were up, a large sheet of reinforced visqueen formed a temporary roof. 

Once the rafters were up, a large sheet of reinforced visqueen formed a temporary roof. 

mark sullivan